Two days in Paris (and Iceland) part 1

My friend Manny called me up about three weeks ago to tell me that he had an extra ticket to Paris and asking me to come along with him. I used to live in Paris, and I’m a French teacher that travels with students a lot, so the prospect of a weekend in Paris without kids was exciting, but I didn’t accept right away because … Continue reading Two days in Paris (and Iceland) part 1

Lofoten Islands, Norway- Day Two

Wow, it has been awhile since I first started blogging about my trip to Norway!  But this past week I’ve been getting lots of notifications from Timehop reminding me that it’s my one year anniversary of visiting one of the most amazing places I’ve ever had the fortune of seeing- Lofoten Islands. If you need refreshing, this is the blog post about our first day … Continue reading Lofoten Islands, Norway- Day Two

2 days in Provence (part 1)- Avignon and Uzès

  This blog post is about my 3rd and 4th day in France with a school trip I took with my students over spring break.  We spend two days in Paris, which you can read about here (day one and day two).    Easter, April 1st 2018, also April Fool’s Day but today was no joke.  We woke up and after breakfast we boarded a bus … Continue reading 2 days in Provence (part 1)- Avignon and Uzès

Two Days in Paris- 2018 (part two)

This is day two of my Paris, Provence and Barcelona school trip, spent entirely Paris.  If you didn’t read about the first day in Paris, check out the first blog here. After a very full first day in which we got off the plane and immediately explored Paris until bedtime, our wake up call was at 6:45, after which time I scalded myself in the … Continue reading Two Days in Paris- 2018 (part two)

My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Lofoten Islands (Days 12)

  After driving from the south of Norway and working our way north to explore the fjords, hike, camp and take in all the sights of Norway, we passed into the Arctic Circle.  We were nearing the end of the Norway aspect of our trip, but we had one last destination- the Lofoten Islands. So after sleeping in the car for the evening, and then … Continue reading My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Lofoten Islands (Days 12)

My Scandinavian Adventure- Geirangerfjord, Trondheim and the Arctic Circle (Day 10, 11, 12)

After spending our ninth day in Norway hiking a glacier and waking up in a beautiful cabin overlooking the mountains of Norway, we woke up feeling refreshed and pumped to spend another day of adventure in Norway- this time focusing on the area of the Geirangerfjord.    We began our drive, taking us about two hours to reach the area that we were seeking.  And … Continue reading My Scandinavian Adventure- Geirangerfjord, Trondheim and the Arctic Circle (Day 10, 11, 12)

My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Norway: Aurlandsfjellet, Borgund Stave Church, Nigardsbreen glacier (Day 8 & 9)

After spending the evening in Bergen, we packed up the car the next morning and headed for something that we had read about and were SOOO pumped to see- Aurlandsfjellet- the snow road! Our first stop on our way to our destination was the town of Flam. Like our other days of driving, we passed lots of mountains and drove through several tunnels along our … Continue reading My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Norway: Aurlandsfjellet, Borgund Stave Church, Nigardsbreen glacier (Day 8 & 9)

My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Bergen, Norway (Day 7)

We arrived in Bergen, Norway in the evening of June 13 after a full day of hiking, driving and waterfalls (it took about 7 hours to drive from Pulpit Rock where we had camped the evening before) and drove through the main section of town, getting our first glimpse of the harbour and beautiful buildings of Bergen, though we did get a little lost before arriving … Continue reading My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Bergen, Norway (Day 7)