Michigan sand dunes, Kalamazoo and Traverse City

My New Year’s resolution this year was to take a road trip every month, and for July I decided to make my birthday and monthly trip coincide. I talked about it with friends and brainstormed places to go, and some of my besties suggested a place I would never have thought of- Michigan!  I mean, I’m from Columbus, Ohio, a place where we quit saying … Continue reading Michigan sand dunes, Kalamazoo and Traverse City

My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Norway: Aurlandsfjellet, Borgund Stave Church, Nigardsbreen glacier (Day 8 & 9)

After spending the evening in Bergen, we packed up the car the next morning and headed for something that we had read about and were SOOO pumped to see- Aurlandsfjellet- the snow road! Our first stop on our way to our destination was the town of Flam. Like our other days of driving, we passed lots of mountains and drove through several tunnels along our … Continue reading My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Norway: Aurlandsfjellet, Borgund Stave Church, Nigardsbreen glacier (Day 8 & 9)