My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Bergen, Norway (Day 7)

We arrived in Bergen, Norway in the evening of June 13 after a full day of hiking, driving and waterfalls (it took about 7 hours to drive from Pulpit Rock where we had camped the evening before) and drove through the main section of town, getting our first glimpse of the harbour and beautiful buildings of Bergen, though we did get a little lost before arriving … Continue reading My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Bergen, Norway (Day 7)

My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Oslo (Day 4)

After spending the first few days of our trip in Copenhagen we were off to our next destination- Norway!  And our first stop there was the capital city of Oslo.   After going back to the Copenhagen airport (via bus, to train, to shuttle) to pick up the car we were renting (getting an Opel Astra, unfortunately not stick-shift like I had requested, but otherwise it ended up … Continue reading My Scandinavian Adventure 2017- Oslo (Day 4)

My Scandinavian adventure 2017- Copenhagen, Day 2

Woke up at the AirBnb in Copenhagen feeling refreshed after a great night of sleep; our host had made us some rolls and there was homemade strawberry and plum jam- we were ready to take on Copenhagen for the second day! (If you missed my post about our first day in the capital city of Denmark click here.) Here’s a tip for you- when visiting a foreign … Continue reading My Scandinavian adventure 2017- Copenhagen, Day 2

My Scandinavian adventure 2017- Copenhagen, Day 1

Every summer I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to travel.  Ever since I was 15 years old and took my first trip to France I have been instilled with a passion for traveling and love of seeing the world and experiencing other cultures.  If I hadn’t taken a trip in high school with my French teacher (thanks mom and dad!) I would be … Continue reading My Scandinavian adventure 2017- Copenhagen, Day 1